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Internet Sites:

• Midterm Report on States’ Efforts to Assist Paraprofessionals in Meeting NCLB Requirements
This report from the American Federation of Teachers “grades states in several areas, including whether they provide multiple assessment options for paraprofessionals, financial support for college costs and testing fees, test preparation, and helpful information on state Web sites.”

• Roles for Education Paraprofessionals in Effective Schools (1997)
This report was published by the U.S. Department of Education, and includes ideas for paraprofessionals in schools and an overview of effective programs.

• National Clearinghouse for Paraeducator Resources
“This NCPR clearinghouse is committed to the charge of providing a comprehensive repository of information, as well as a forum to further the discussion, for achieving the goal of bringing talented paraeducators into the ranks of our nation’s teaching force.

• Instructional Resources for Paraeducators
This Web site is being created to explore an alternative method for providing paraeducators with a basic introductory training program. This instructional resource will also help teachers develop and implement a plan for setting up more effective classrooms.

• ERIC Digest: Paraeducators: Factors That Influence Their Performance, Development, and Supervision (1999)

• ERIC Digest: Diversifying the Teaching Force: Preparing Paraeducators as Teachers (1997)