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Internet Sites:

• BuildLiteracy.org
BuildLiteracy.org answers Frequently Asked Questions about adult literacy, libraries, and coalitions. The site features sections on coalition building, profiles of existing literacy coalitions, a menu of literacy coalition activities, and ways for building literacy at your library.

• National Assessments of Adult Literacy
“The National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) is a nationally representative and continuing assessment of English language literacy skills of American adults.” Conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics.

• Office of Vocational & Adult Education – Adult Education & Literacy Programs
The U.S. Department of Education’s adult education and literacy programs provide more than four million adults with the literacy skills they need to obtain good jobs, to play active roles in the education of their children, and to carry out the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

• PBS LiteracyLink
Resources for adult learners and educators. Prepare for the GED, or train for a better job. Requires free registration.

• National LINCS
“LINCS is the literacy community’s gateway to the world of adult education and literacy resources on the Internet. The goal of LINCS is to bring adult literacy-related resources and expertise to a single point of access for users throughout the world.”

• National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL)
NCAL seeks to improve the quality of adult literacy programs and services on a nationwide basis by means of applied research and development and dissemination of the results.

• Demystifying Adult Literacy for Volunteer Tutors
Intended as a tool for new and experienced tutors to provide background information on literacy, the roles and responsibilities of a volunteer tutor, and working with adult learners. Produced by Literacy Partners of Manitoba.

• Literacy Online
Site jointly operated by the National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL) and the International Literacy Institute (ILS) is a “gateway to electronic resources and tools for the national and international adult literacy communities”. Literacy materials may be searched by Country/Region; Topic/Theme; Perspective of User (practitioner, learner, etc.) and document characteristics (title, author, etc.).

• The Key
The Key provides reading material for adults with limited reading skills. These include adults who have not completed their high school educations, those learning English and those with learning disabilities. All material in The Key and on-line is free of copyright for nonprofit, education purposes.

• ERIC Digest: Community College Adult Literacy Programs: Moving toward Collaboration (1999)

• ERIC Digest: Adult Literacy Volunteers (1993)

Online Communities:

• LINCS Online Discussion Lists
“The National Institute for Literacy online discussion lists give thousands of literacy stakeholders opportunities to discuss the literacy field’s critical issues.” List topics include family, workplace, health, technology, poverty, ESL, learning disabilites, and more. Users can subscribe to any of the lists from this site and access the searchable archives.


• National Institute for Literacy
1775 I Street, NW; Suite 730
Washington, DC 20006-2401
Phone: (202) 233-2025
Fax: (202) 233-2050

• National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main Street, Suite 200
Louisville KY 40202-4251
Email: ncfl@famlit.org