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Lesson Plan #:AELP-SPA0017
Author: Avonell Lay
School or Affiliation: Bertha Barber School,Bellvue, NE
Date: 1994

Grade Level(s): 6


  • Science/Space Sciences


  • To learn about the solar system
  • To compare and contrast planets within the solar system, using database software to search and prepare tables and reports
  • To use word processing software to compose and print compositions
  • Materials:

  • One or multiple computers; printer
  • Software: database, word processing
  • Science reference books
  • Teacher-prepared student worksheets
  • Time Required: 8-10 class periods Activities and Procedures:

  • Have each student use a worksheet to compile information about the planet selected for study.
  • Have a student team create a database template, enter the worksheet data into the database, and print out reports for the class. Have the team sort the database and print reports of planets of similar:
  • size
  • distance from the sun
  • length of years
  • surface areas
  • Have a student team prepare a bibliography with the word processing software based on the information on the student worksheets.
  • Have a student team use the information from the database to prepare a visual display on the solar system.
  • Have a student team prepare a written report about the class project using the word processing software. The report should include the objective, the process used, and a summary.
  • Have the teams present their work to the class.
  • Follow-up/Extension:

  • Conduct a simulated journey to one of the planets, using the word processing software to write the story in a narrative or play form; insert graphics for added interest. Have the students write LOGO programs to create real or imaginary planets and write creative stories about the planets using the word processor, printed, and compiled in a class book. Research projects could focus on NASA programs.
  • Lead a class discussion on data banks and how they are organized.
  • Assign research topics