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Lesson Plan #: AELP-SRF0007
Submitted by: Micael E. Ressler
Email: zwyf@iup.edu
School/University/Affiliation: Indiana University of Pennsylvania Date: April 25, 2000

Grade Level(s): 5


  • Physical Education/Skill-Related Fitness

Duration: 45 minutes using a warm-up Description: Skill is dribbling and the objective is that the student will recognize the importance of using proper technique to successfully complete the drills etc…

Goals: Dribbling skills in soccer

Objectives: Students will:

1. recognize the importance of using proper technique to successfully complete the drills
2. demonstrate the necessary skills required to participate in the game of soccer.
3. increase self-esteem and become independent during the activity.


  • 10 foam soccer balls
  • 12 cones

Procedure: Command style/ demonstration Assessment: The students will practice dribbling around cones as quickly as possible while maintaining control of the soccer ball. Repeat 5 times.