Lesson Plan #:AELP-SRF0002
Submitted by: Brad Dahnert
Endorsed by: Dr. Don Descy
School/University/Affiliation: Mankato State University Date: February 24, 1997
Grade Level(s): 4, 5, 6
- Physical Education/Skill-Related Fitness
Many times people who are not very physically active have low self- confidence. To help students feel better about themselves and their abilities, and to help the students become more physically fit, the students will record their physical activity for one month. They will be required to take part in a minimum of three vigorous physical activities per week.
Goal: Students will understand what being physically fit can do for them.
The students will compare and contrast the way they feel about themselves before and after this month long project. The students will list three reasons why being physically fit is important to them.
Background Information:
Physical fitness not only produces a higher self-esteem, it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Not to mention that working out is a great way to relieve stress. This lesson will teach the students how being physically fit can help them live a more positive life.
Concepts: Students will be able to: