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Lesson Plan #:AELP-APM0011
Submitted by: Alice Wasosky
E-mail: EUTHEN@aol.com
Affliation: Second Grade Teacher, St. Therese School, Garfield Heights, Ohio Date: August 1998

Grade Level(s): 1, 2, 3


  • Mathematics/Applied Math

Overview: Students collect and trade coins.

Goals: Students will learn to use the fewest coins possible for a given total amount.


1. Students will learn to use the fewest coins possible for a given total amount.
2. Students will cooperate in a small group game to help each other to :
    2a. learn to count collections of coins, and
    2b. identify the fewest number of coins needed to equal a given total.

Duration: 45 minutes


  • coins real or simulated

Activities and Procedures:
Assign students to groups of 3-5. One student in each group should have ability to use coins. Each student brings coins necessary for assigned version of the game. Each group has one die. Player whose last name has the least letters rolls the die, and takes coins out of the pot equal the number shown on the die. Game:

Version #1- 5 Pennies-Not Allowed

Each player puts 6 pennies and 5 nickels in the pot. The Player rolling the die must announce the total of their coins and make sure that they do not have five pennies before passing the die to the player on their right. Five pennies must be traded for a nickel.  Students tell the player Not Allowed if they have too many coins when they pass the die to the next player.  Play ends when each player has 5 nickels.

Version#2- 5 Pennies, 2 Nickels-Not Allowed

Each player puts 6 pennies, 2nickels, and 3dimes in the pot. This time 2 nickels must be traded for a dime as well as 5 pennies for a nickel. The game ends when each player has 3 dimes.

Version #3- 5 Pennies, 2 Nickels, 3 Dimes-Not Allowed

Each player puts 6 pennies, 2 nickels, 3 dimes, and 2 quarters in the pot. This time 5 pennies must be traded for a nickel, 2 nickels for a dime, 2 dimes and a nickel for a quarter. Play until everyone gets 2 quarters.

Extension: As students become more proficient, dimes and quarters can be added to the game.

Assessment: Observe students as they play the game. See if any of the group has too many of a given coin. Point out situation to players and see if it can be corrected.