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Phonics with Dr. Seuss – “One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish” Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan #:AELP-RDG002
Submitted by: Beth Pivacek
Email: bpiv@hotmail.com
School/University/Affiliation: Saint Joseph College
Endorsed by: Maureen Sullivan Date: November 1, 1998

Grade Level(s): 1


  • Language Arts/Reading

Objective(s): The learner will be able to recall and spell words from the story using the phonograms: -ad, -op, -ish, -ink and -ump. The learner will be able to circle words with like phonograms.


  • The book One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss.
  • Large chart paper with the 5 phonograms written on top.
  • Markers
  • Large chart paper with several words from the story written on it (these words will have different phonograms as the previous chart). Procedure:

    Initiation: Today we are going to read One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish written by, Dr. Seuss. Has anyone read or heard this story before? Have you read or heard other Dr. Seuss stories? Do you like his books? Why? You are going to hear lots of words that rhyme in this book. Can anyone explain what it means when words rhyme? As I read the story, I would like you to listen for words that end in (point and say each phonogram on chart). After the story we are going to list the words (with each phonogram).

  • The teacher will read the 5 phonograms on the chart with the students and ask them to listen for words with the same ending.
  • The teacher will read the story. After the story is read, the teacher will ask students for some words that have the same endings as the 5 phonograms. (The teacher may have to give some words with some of the given phonograms)
  • When the students give a word, ask them to find the word ending on the chart. The student will then tell the class the beginning letter(s) to the word. The teacher (or child) will then write the child^Òs word under the correct phonogram. The class will recall as many words as possible.
  • Closure: The teacher will review the lists of words on the chart paper. The class will read the words aloud and spell each phonogram. The teacher will take out chart paper with scattered words. The children are asked to come up and circle 2 words that have the same ending (such as fat and hat). Chart Reference:

    -ad: sad, glad, bad, dad
    -op: hop, Pop, yop, top
    -ish: dish, wish, swish, fish
    -ink: pink, Yink, wink, drink, think
    -ump: bump, wump, hump, jump, gump

    Scattered Word Chart:


    Assessment: The evaluation should be done as the children are recalling words from the story. It should also be done as the class is reviewing the chart they have completed. During the closure, as the students are circling words with same phonograms, evaluation should be done.