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Lesson Plan #: AELP-GRM0207
Submitted by: Emily Peschel
Email: ILUVfun123@aol.com
School/University/Affiliation: Calhoun Elementary, SC
             Anderson College
Date: October 6, 2003

Grade Level: 1


  • Language Arts/Grammar
  • Language Arts/Literature/Children’s Literature

Duration: 20-30 minutes

Description: Students will understand the relationship of antonyms through a read aloud, guided practice, and individual practice.

Goals: South Carolina Standards for Language Arts :

  • 1-R1.8 – Demonstrate the ability to ask and answer questions about texts read aloud.
  • 1-R1.10 – Demonstrate the ability to use pictures and words to make predictions about stories read aloud or independently.
  • 1-R3.16 – Begin identifying synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.


  • When given a choice, students will be able to identify the opposite of a word given to them.
  • When an antonym is called out, students will write down the correct word wall opposite with 80% accuracy.
  • Materials:

    • The Greatest Gymnast of All by Stuart J. Murphy
    • sentence strips with antonyms already written on them
    • paper and pencils

    Begin with a discussion of antonyms. Explain that antonym is another word for opposite. Give several examples of antonyms such as saying, If a door isn’t open, then it is… , or Lights in a classroom can either be turned on or… Then read, The Greatest Gymnast of All by Stuart J. Murphy. [ Author’s Note: The Greatest Gymnast of All is a children’s book about Zoe who can do different activities that great gymnasts do. All of the activities are opposites. For example, I can swing way up high or swing down low …]. Throughout the story, ask students to predict the antonym based on the pictures. Ask questions such as, Where is Zoe now? If she isn’t on the mat, then she is ____ the mat. After reading the story, hand out antonyms written on sentence strips. Students will walk to the front of the room and find their antonym’ s mate. [ Author’s Note: I took these antonyms straight from the book, The Greatest Gymnast of All . There were a total of 16 antonyms.] Next, pass out sheets of paper. While the students are at their desks, call out an antonym (such as new, night, on, stop, etc.). Students will write down the opposite of those words. Students can look at their word wall words to choose the correct answer. [ Author’s Note: Word wall words are easily recognizable words for young children. My first graders have the words, on, go, day, and old posted as their word wall words. I called out the opposites of these, and they had to locate their word wall words. That way they had words to choose from. This is just what I chose to incorporate as independent practice.] Once all answers are written on paper, call on students to give the correct answers.

    Assessment: Collect students’ papers to check for understanding of antonyms.

    Useful Internet Resource:
    * South Carolina Language Arts Standards (Pre-K through Grade 2)

    Special Comments: If it is early in the school year, then some students might need help reading their sentence strips.