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Lesson Plan #:AELP-INT0091
Submitted by: Heather N. Lasch
Endorsed by: Dr. Descy
Mankato State University Date: May 11, 1998

Grade Level(s): 1, 2, 3, 4


  • Interdisciplinary
  • Arts/Visual Arts
  • Arts/Music

Description: Music and art are both subjects that require creativity. Students should have the chance to be creative as much as possible.  This activity is simple, and fun to do with any grade in elementary.  It gives the students a chance to become familiar with different types of music, relate music with feelings and moods, and express themselves through art.

Goal: Students will understand that music can create emotions and feelings, that they can use to create art.


1. The student will describe four different emotions the music made them feel while doing this activity, and why they think they felt those emotions.

2. The student will explain the four different types of music they heard while doing this activity, and describe two specific characteristics of each type of music, that differentiates it from the other types.

Background Information:

This activity can be used with students at all levels of artistic and musical ability.  The lesson teaches them about learning how to express their feelings and moods in an effective way.  It also teaches them different types of music as well.


Students will be able to:

  • Relate the subjects of music and art, and how they can affect the students mood.
  • Identify reasons for listening to music while creating art, and how different types of music bring out different moods and feelings.
  • Materials:

  • CDs with different types of music (4)
  • Paper (4 pieces)
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • (Can also use other utensils such as paint, scissors, glue, glitter, depending on the time) Procedure:

    1.  Explain to the students that they will each need four pieces of paper, and anything they want to use to make their pictures. (Such as crayons, markers, paint, etc.)

    2.  Tell them to use one piece of paper for each song they hear.

    3.  Let them know that they cannot be looking at other people’s pictures. They are trying to express their feelings, not someone else’s.

    4.  Play the songs one at a time, in sequence, leaving enough time between each one for the students to get their next paper ready.

    5.  When the music starts, tell them right away to express on the paper the first thing that pops into their mind.

    6.  Tell them to think of the mood they are in when they are listening to the songs, and to express this also.

    7.  Remember to give them enough time to be able to transfer from song to song.

    8.  When you have gone through all the songs, have them put down their art supplies, and listen for the next instructions.


    1.  Ask each student to come to the front of the classroom individually, to explain their pictures to the class.

    2.  Ask them what types of music they heard, and which was their favorite.

    3.  Ask them how the different types of music made them feel, and why they think music can affect their moods.