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Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner with Gregory Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan #: AELP-NUT0017
Submitted by: Sharon Fontenot
Email: sharon.fontenot@cpsb.org
School/University/Affiliation: Prien Lake Elementary, Lake Charles, LA Date: July 19, 1999 

Grade Level(s): Kindergarten, 1, 2


  • Health/Nutrition

Duration: three 30-minute lessons

Description: Create a nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner and feed Gregory the goat.

Goals: Students will recognize the importance of nutritious meals through reinforcement class activities.

Objectives: Student will locate the components for a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.


  • Mitchell Sharmat (1989). Gregory the Terrible Eater . Scholastic Trade; ISBN: 0590433504
  • food pyramid
  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • optional (Internet)

Procedure: (Before you begin)

Create a Gregory goat – Using an image of a goat’s head, enlarge it if needed so it is the approx. size of one sheet of paper, color and back with cardboard or card stock.
Cut a hole in the mouth of the goat.
Place a 2 gallon baggie on the back of the goat’s head so it opens to the mouth.
This baggie will hold the food pictures found by the children.

This lesson will span over three days:

1. Read the story “Gregory the Terrible Eater”
Gregory eats foods like you and I. How can we make sure his meals are healthy?
2. Using the food pyramid, review with children the number of servings that are allowed from each group for one day.
3. The children will be divided into five groups, each group will be assigned a different food group from the pyramid.
4. Each group will locate foods from a magazine newspaper, or Internet, appropriate from their food group.
5. Items located will be placed together on a paper plate with the heading breakfast
6. Children will discuss items found. Answering questions such as: Is that a good choice for breakfast? Is it an OK choice for everyday? Make certain that children have allowed for drinks with their meal.
7. Children will mark off servings used from their food group as they use them. The children will locate foods for lunch on the second day and dinner on the third. The foods will be placed on plates like the breakfast meal.
8. Children will take turns feeding Gregory. Children will say the food and where it belongs on the food pyramid as they feed the goat.
9. Children can take the food items out of the baggie and create new meals for Gregory.

Assessment: Have students work in groups and create new meals using all of the food groups.