Lesson Plan #: AELP-NUT0001
Submitted by: Cheryl L. Ashland
Endorsed by: Dr. Don E. Descy, Mankato State University Date: October 31, 1996
Grade Level(s): 4
- Health/Nutrition
This lesson will make students more aware of the importance of a wellness lifestyle. It will also make them aware of they things the can do to develop a wellness lifestyle.
The students will understand the importance of a healthful lifestyle.
- The students will be able to identify at least two ways that their diet affects their health.
- The students will be able to identify at least two ways that exercise affects their health.
Background Information:
This activity will be used with the students at the fourth grade level to introduce the concept of fitness for life. The lesson will give them the chance to explore what options they have that they can do to improve their lives.
Wire clothes hangers
Colored yarn
Colored poster board
Paper punch
To assess students’ comprehension have them share their mobiles with the rest of the group and tell what options they have used. After they have shared their mobile hang it up in the classroom as a reminder of the things that they can do to improve their health.