Lesson Plan #: AELP-CHN0001
Submitted by: Larry W. Nicholas
Email: nicholas@pinyin2000.com
School/University/Affiliation: Pinyin Software Date: February 28, 2000
Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12, Higher education, Vocational education, Adult/continuing education
- Foreign Language/Chinese
Duration: Eleven lessons of one week duration each. Description: PINYIN – teaches the Chinese Language through phonetics rather than Chinese Characters. Presented in eleven comprehensive lessons, offers a language learning environment in both vocalized Chinese vocabularies and vocalized Chinese situational dialogs. Hear the correct pronunciation for each consonant, vowel, Chinese word and sentence. And, to aid in increasing your Chinese vocabulary, a flash card learning system is provided.
Goals: To teach conversational Chinese through phonetics rather than the traditional Chinese Characters, in a point and click learning environment.
Objectives: To learn the 300 word Chinese vocabulary, and understand relevant Chinese dialogs.
Materials: Pinyin Software (CD ROM)
Procedure: Pronunciation Guide
Lessons 1 through 11, each containing vocabulary and conversationsal dialogs.
Assessment: Left to the student.
Useful Internet Resources:
Pinyin – Learning the Chinese Language through Phonetics.