Internet Sites:
• MuSICA – Music & Science Information Computer Archive
This music research database is maintained by the University of California at Irvine. It features a free bibliographic database of citations with abstracts to scientific research on music related to behavior, the brain and related topics. This archive also includes the MuSICA Research Notes newsletter.
• K-12 Resources for Music Educators
Links for teachers of band, orchestra, vocal, classroom, and teachers in all music areas.
• National Standards for Music Education
Developed by the Music Educators National Conference.
• Music Education Online
Includes music links, a faculty lounge, information on grants, and resources for music advocacy. Presented by the Children’s Music Workshop.
• The New York Philharmonic KidZone
Users can learn about instruments, composers, and write their own music.
• The Symphony: An Interactive Guide
“The aim of The Symphony – An Interactive Guide is to provide a comprehensive resource for people wanting to expand their knowledge of the symphony.” This site includes biographies, a timeline, an explanation of forms and structures, and a guide to instruments.
This is a forum on music education.
To subscribe, address an e-mail message in the following manner:
subscribe MUSIC-ED
• Music Teacher Chatboard at
The Music Teacher Chatboard is your gateway to music resources on the Internet, as well as your direct access to the best Music Teachers anywhere on Earth.
• American Music Conference
The only national organization dedicated to the promotion of music, music making and music education to the general public.
5790 Armada Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel: 619/431-9124
Fax: 619/438-7327
1806 Robert Fulton Drive, Suite 302
Reston, VA 20191
Tel: 703/648-9440
Fax: 703/648-9441
• Music Educators National Conference
(The National Association for Music Education)
MENC’s mission is to advance music education as a profession and to ensure that every child in America has access to a balanced, sequential, high-quality education that includes music as a core subject of study.
1806 Robert Fulton Drive
Reston, Virginia 20191
Tel: 703/860-4000
Fax: 703/860-1531
• Music Teachers National Association
441 Vine St., Suite 505
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2814
Tel: 513/421-1420
Fax: 513/421-2503