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Lesson Plan #:AELP-APM000
AUTHOR: NIE Curriculum Guide – The Montana Standard – Butte, MT. Date: 1994

Grade Level(s): 4, 5, 6, 7


  • Mathematics/Applied Math

OBJECTIVE: To teach students the benefits of comparison shopping


  • newspapers
  • Worksheet L (see below)

TO START: Ask students if they or their parents have ever bought something at what they thought was a good price, only to find out later that they could have found a better price elsewhere. Let students describe some of their experiences. Help them to see how to avoid such problems in the future by learning how to be smart shoppers


Distribute Worksheet L, which asks students to analyze two ads for the same product and decide which store offers the best buys.

After the worksheets are completed, discuss students’ choices and ask them to explain why they chose one store over another. Conclude that price, convenience and personal preferences play a role in smart shopping. You might want to point out that it often helps to see and, where possible, test a product before buying it. Remind students to think about hidden expenses, such as the cost of traveling to stores in remote locations. Select other newspaper ads for similar products so students can repeat this activity. Try to vary your selections to include ads for low-and high-priced items.


Give each student $1000 in play money. Using newspaper classified ads, challenge each to find the best used car for the money. Afterwards, compare choices and let students present arguments as to why the car they chose was best.


Store A

SALE —————— SALE

Danny’s Bicycle Shop

Albany’s best bike buys
MONGOOSE 24 silver dirt bike $189
SCHWINN 10-speed, 26 electric blue $225
(Baskets $30 add’l)
Spare Tires for 10-speeds $29.99

Buy a MONGOOSE this month and get a set of reflectors free. Special discounts on horns to kids with all As and Bs on their report cards. Unbelievable low prices on Big Wheels, Trikes and Wagons. Open 9-5, Mon-Sat.

Directions: Take Hwy 66 10 mi. west of Albany, turn East on Rte 128 for 15 mi., to Governor’s Road. Turn left on Governor’s follow road for 3 mi.; Danny’s on right.

Store B

In-town Bikes

Every day is a sale day!

Schwinn 10-speeds, with baskets, $265
Mongoose dirt bikes, with baskets and reflectors, $220
One-year warranty on parts and services.

Bring in this ad before March 15 and get a free book on bicycle safety.

Open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
In-town Bikes is located at 2525 Main St., in the heart of downtown Albany.


Which store has the best buy on Schwinn 10-speed bikes with baskets?


If you lived right in the middle of the city of Albany, in which store might you shop?





Why does Store A advertise the prices of bicycles without baskets?


What benefits does store A offer its customers?




Store B?


