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Lesson Plan #: AELP-WCP007
Submitted by: Marilyn P. Macharoni
Email: macharoni.dayton@worldnet.att.net
School/University/Affiliation: Shaw Elementary School, Beavercreek, Ohio Date: May 1, 2000

Grade Level(s): 1, 2


  • Language Arts/Writing (composition)

Duration: Five 30-minute sessions Description: A reading and writing lesson for individual small group instruction where students use personal experiences to describe five different feelings.

1. Improve listening skills.
2. Enhance oral and written language.
3. Describe and illustrate five different feelings through personal experiences.

Objectives: Students will:
1. compare personal experiences/knowledge with events in a story.
2. compose sentences from real life experiences.
3. express feelings and experiences clearly and concisely.


  • Books
  • Glad Monster Sad Monster: A Book About Feelings by Ed Emberly & Anne Miranda
  • Make a Face: A Book With a Mirror by Henry & Amy Schwartz
  • one blank book per child containing a blank page for each feeling
  • one small mirror per child
  • a pencil for each child
  • a variety of color markers or crayons for all children to use
  • Procedure:
    1. Read each book to the class
    2. List feelings: happy, sad, silly, angry, and scared.
    3. Re-read each page about feeling happy.
    4. Discuss feeling happy.
    5. Individual students share a story about when, where and what makes them feel happy and demonstrate a happy face.
    6. Brainstorm other experiences which cause a happy feeling.
    7. Repeat procedures 3 through 6 for each of the remaining feelings: sad, silly, angry, and scared.
    8. Distribute individual blank books, small mirrors, pencils and markers/crayons.
    9. Have students write and illustrate a sentence about a personal experience with each feeling. Assessment: Students will share their individual Feelings Book with their parents and other students. Their books will be put on display in the classroom.