Lesson Plan# AELP-RDG0011
Submitted by: Cecilia Hoff
School or Affiliation: Manassas Park High School, Manassas Park, VA Date: April 1998
Grade Level(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Language Arts/Reading
Goals and Objectives:
After selecting and reading a book independently, students will create a paper bag book report using an ordinary paper bag. Students should choose five-seven items to place in the bag to represent significant events or characters from the book. For example, Goldilocks and the Three Bears might call for a soupspoon, a thermometer, a piece of dollhouse furniture, an ad for running shoes, etc. Students, after filling and decorating their bags, present them to the class. Each student should explain how the items he or she has chosen relate to the book. This makes for a fun oral presentation which exceeds the traditional book report for both the presenter and the audience.
Lesson Concepts and Materials:
Independent book selection, independent reading, analysis of plot, character and/ or theme, oral presentation.
Paperbags (large to lunch-size).
Peer assessment of oral presentation; guided self-assessment of bag (inside and out) using a teacher-devised checklist/scoring rubric