Lesson Plan #:AELP-INT005
Author: Sue Worthen
School or Affiliation: Jacks Valley Elem., NV Date: 1994
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- Interdisciplinary
Overview: The Sequence Card Game allows students to practice the thinking process involved in the sequence of events. It begins with the lowest level visual sequencing and advances to the use of higher level critical thinking. Students work in pairs with teacher direction, but work toward independence with teacher monitoring student’s level of progress.
Purpose: Practice with this activity allows students to use meta-cognition in a structured setting as it relates to success with sequencing.
Objectives: Students will be able to exhibit success independently with sequencing activities using the same thinking process they have practiced with the card game.
Resources/Materials: Any picture cards may be used that are very familiar subject matter to students. Frank Schaffer Fairy Tale Sequence Cards work well for this activity for most students. DLM has sequence activity cards such as preparing and eating dinner or going out to play in the snow. These are especially good in multi-cultural groups of students of any age.
As students become more proficient with this activity written story sequence may be used as well as content material in social studies or science.
Post-it notes work well for younger students learning to take turns and follow directions. The teacher may take the students through the process one step at a time. (ex. A’s draw a card and tell your partner what is happening in that picture. or B’s pick up all eight cards and shuffle them for the next game.)
Activities and Procedures: Students are paired and labeled by A’s and B’s. Each pair has one set of story or event sequence cards – preferably picture cards to begin with.
- 1. Students take turns drawing from the stack of shuffled face down cards and placing them in the proper order.
- 2. When all cards are in order the pair reviews them for agreement. (Changes may be made.)
- 3. Next the students re-shuffle the cards and repeat the same process adding another dimension to the activity. This time each student must verbalize to the partner who and what is taking place on the card.
- 4. Finally, most advanced students will again repeat the process, students verbalize their reason for card placement in the sequence.
- 5. The teacher continually checks students’ understanding and level of progress by listening to students’ responses in their groups.
Tying It All Together: Students will enjoy this activity and it will help them see what process of thinking people must use to understand any kind of order or sequence. This activity should lead students toward independence with higher level thinking they encounter.