Lesson Plan #:AELP-EDT002
Author: Merci R. Montoya
School or Affiliation: Carlsbad Municipal Schools, New Mexico
Date: 1994
Grade Level(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
- Computer Science
Purpose: To enhance and foster higher-level thinking skills
Students who have already gained some familiarity with the concept and usage of Logo as a computer language are now able to extend their skills beyond the initial exploratory stage. In so doing, students gain the ability to do the following:
- organize their ideas (using outlining and/or flow-charting)
- gain skills necessary to review/edit/change their work
- increase their working knowledge of the Logo computer language
- become more familiar with the computer as a tool
- become more familiar with the concept of files and their organization
Objectives: Write a program to draw a 3-dimensional frame house
- 1. Sketch the house on plain paper
- 2. Transfer the sketch to graph paper
- 3. Outline the steps necessary to draw the house on the computer
- 4. Revise the outline to include specific details for the program
- 5. Use each of the topics (in the outline) as procedures
- 6. Convert each topic into specific Logo commands
- 7. Write the Super-Procedure which controls the sub-procedures
- 8. Try the program
- 9. Revise the program to correct syntax or procedural errors
- 10. Save the program on disk as a file
- 11. Revise the final program to become an ‘Auto-Start’ program… whereby the user can specify the filename and the house will be draw automatically.
- Plain paper
- Graph paper
- Pencil, eraser, ruler, protractor and compass
- Logo language
- Any Apple II series computer, IBM compatible, Commodore 64 or MacIntosh
- Diskette for saving program
- 1. Introduce the project
- a. Demonstrate previous projects using projected image on the overhead (if overhead monitor not available, set up a demo self-running program on each computer the students will have access to)
- b. Hand each student hand-outs explaining the project
- 1. What the program should do
- 2. Steps in writing, editing and trying the program
- c. Explain the tools necessary
- 2. Work on the project
- a. Allow time for students to work on the project
* actual time is flexible based on- 1. length per session
- 2. number of possible sessions
- a. Allow time for students to work on the project
- 3. Function as a moderator during the project
- a. assist with ideas
- b. make observations
- c. point out possible solutions when student appear stuck