Lesson Plan #: AELP-EDT0008
Submitted by: Kimberly Kimble
Email: Riverlands@mindspring.com
School/University/Affiliation: Riverland Elementary, Fort Lauderdale, Fl. Date: July 1, 1999
Grade Level(s): Preschool education, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Computer Science
Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour Description: Students will create a hands-on graph, then complement this by making a computerized version of the same graph using Graph Club .
Goals: Students will be able to read various graphs, so as to be more prepared for state exams which require this concept.
Objectives: Students will be able to:
- Graph Club (computer program)
- printer
- index cards
- crayons
- chart paper
- glue
- sentence strips
- markers
Procedure: Pick something to graph (favorite food, school subject, season, etc.) ( I will use Favorite Food as an example). Have a large blank piece of chart paper (the darker the color, the better) secured on the chalk board. Explain that we will be graphing our favorite food today. Review graph elements and using a piece of chalk draw out the x-axis and y-axis. Pass out one index card per student. Have them draw a picture of their favorite food. Sometimes I give them a group of 6 foods to choose from. Have them come up to the graph one at a time and graph their favorite food by glueing or taping the index card onto the graph. Once they are completed, have them walk to the computer and type in their favorite food using the icons in Graph Club. (I have prepared the graphs beforehand and they fill in the information).
Once everyone has completed this process I print the graphs in the computer using the Big Book version and I print up pictograph, line, bar, and circle graphs. While the computer is printing, we compare and discuss the graph. While students are telling me what they are noticing about the graph, I write their responses on sentence strips ( example: Johnny said, Pizza had 10 more than spaghetti. ). These get hung up around the handmade graph which also has incorporated the computer generated graphs. I glue these onto the chart paper as well.
My assessment is informal. During the discussion of the graph I question the students. However, one could give a quiz on certain elements of the graph that were not mentioned by the students, or you could give the students a new graph and name 3-5 things they notice about it, etc.