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Lesson Plan #: AELP-ATH0043
Submitted by: Lisa Snyder
Email: snyd7637@Fredonia.edu
Endorsed by: Lisa Snyder
             Fredonia State College Date: April 14, 2000

Grade Level(s): 3, 4


  • Mathematics/Arithmetic

Duration: 50 minutes Description: Students can develop strategies for learning multiplication facts by finding patterns on a multiplication table.

Goals: Students will develop strategies for learning multiplication facts.

Objectives: Student will:

  • discover patterns on a multiplication table
  • create strategies for factors 4-9


  • Overhead Projector
  • Multiplication tables for each student
  • Scrap Paper
  • Multiplication Table
  • 100 Chart Overheads

Procedure: 1. Ask students for a definition of a pattern.
2. Show the 100’s chart and show a pattern for threes (Each factor for a three is in every third row on the overhead).
3. Ask for other patterns they notice.
4. Demonstrate a strategy for two by circling and showing how they are the same as the doubles for addition on the overhead.
5. Each group of students will choose a number from 4-9. Write the group name and their number chosen on the board.
6. Tell them what they will do:

  • Take out a piece of paper and write the names of the group members at the top.
  • Find patterns on the multiplication table and write them down on your paper.
  • In your group, devise 2-3 ways that a person could master the facts of their number and write them on their paper also.
  • I will tell them that their notes will be collected.

7.  Walk among the groups, recording behaviors, levels of understanding, and styles.  Guide them, but not give them any answers.
8.  If students finish early, they can make patterns with the pattern blocks at their table.
9.  Each group will share their findings with the class, describing the strategies they developed and how they discovered them.
10.Write down their ideas on the chalkboard. Assessment:

Make sure that each group contributed at least three strategies. Each student must have participated. Higher marks are given for less obvious patterns.