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Lesson Plan #: AELP-RDG0201

Source: School Library Media Activities Monthly, (6:6, February 1990)

Grade Levels: 2, 3


  • Language Arts/Reading

Library Media Skills Objectives:
The student will identify the elements of the plot of a story. Curriculum (subject area) Objectives:
The activity may be used in connection with a reading/language arts unit on the elements of narrative.

Resources :
Fiction Books in the Library Media Center Collection
Nonprint Materials
Literature for Children, Series 9. Plot. Pied Piper, 1985. 5 sound filmstrips.

Instructional Roles :
This activity may be used by either the library media specialist or the classroom teacher or the two working cooperatively with an entire class during a two week period.

Activity and Procedures for Completion :
The library media specialist may prepare a large wheel (pie chart) which lists the plot elements of a narrative. The wheel may be placed on a bulletin board.

  (Items to Placed on Large Wheel Chart) Parts of a Plot
Action related to problem
Resolution The library media specialist may explain each plot element, giving an example from a book which has been shared during story time. The filmstrip on plot from Literature for Children, Series 9 may be shown, and the library media specialist may introduce students to books at an appropriate reading level.  Each student must select a book to read.

After the students have selected books, the library media specialist may explain that the students may individually spin the wheel. They may be given paper plates on which they will illustrate the part of the plot of the book read indicated by the spin of the wheel.

The students may spin the wheel and draw the appropriate part of the story.  The plates may be placed on the bulletin board with the titles of the books and names of the students.

Evaluation :
The student will identify the elements of the plot of a book which has been read and illustrate at least one part.

Follow-Up :
The students may:


  • Make a set of plates to represent each part of the story plot.

These integrated lesson plans and suggestions for teaching library and information skills in connection with various classroom subject areas are provided by LMS Associates and were originally published in School Library Media Activities Monthly. Lessons may be used for the non-commercial purpose of education. All materials are held in copyright by LMS Associates for the magazine, School Library Media Activities Monthly. For more information, contact, LMS Associates; 17 E. Henrietta Street; Baltimore, MD 21230 410-685-8621.