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Lesson Plan #:AELP-RDG004
Submitted by: Ned Ciesielski
Email: tciesielski@snet.net
School/University/Affiliation: St. Joseph College
Endorsed by: Regina Chatel Ph.D. Date: November 15, 1999

Grade Level(s): 1


  • Language Arts/Reading

Description: This lesson utlizes the KWL technique to enhance students’ reading comprehension skills.

Goals: Students will advance in their reading and comprehension skills.

Objective(s): Students will demonstrate successful reading for understanding/comprehension of Animals in Danger by  completing a KWL Chart.


  • Story book by David McAllister (1994). Animals in Danger. Raintree/Steck-Vaughn; ISBN: 0811449130
  • markers
  • crayons
  • poster board
  • Language Arts journal
  • pencil

Procedure: Set/Initiation:

Remind students that we are going on a field trip to the zoo.  This book will help us understand the animals that we will see there.

Main Activities:

  1. Prereading activity Knowledge K- what do you know?
      Ask students what they already know about animals?
      What do they already know about animals in a zoo?
      Why are some animals in a zoo when others are not?
       Do the students know what happened to animals like the dodo bird?

  2. The teacher will write down student’s responses on  the KWL Chart.

  3. The teacher will now focus on key categories to be examined in the story.
      Ask the students to think about these questions while reading the story.
      a. What types of animals are in danger?
      b. In what parts of the world are animals in danger?
      c. What are some of the reasons that certain animals are in danger?

  4. Now it is time for the students to ask themselves…
      What do they want to find out?
      Call on the students to generate a list and record on the KWL Chart.

  5. Read the story.

  6. After reading the story it is time to ask the students…. What did you Learn?
      Did we find out what we wanted to know?
      Was there anything not covered in the story?
      Record all responses on the KWL Chart.


Have students identify at least three things learned and review the KWL Chart..

Assessment: Now it will be time for students to get out their language arts journals. Have them start by drawing a picture of their favorite endangered animal. Then they need to write a short sentence about the animal. They can review the KWL Chart to find ideas for short sentences about what they learned.

The KWL Chart

K What I already Know ?
W What I Want to Learn ?
L What I Learned ?