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Lesson Plan #:AELP-RDG001
Submitted by: Krisl Beres
Email: BOBNKISSY@aol.com
School/University/Affiliation: Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, CT Date: November 11, 1998

Grade Level(s): 1, 2


  • Language Arts/Reading

Duration: 30-40 minutes

Description: This lesson engages students in word and sentence formation using rhyme. Students will play a game, dance, and listen to music.

Goals: Students will create new words and new meaningful sentences using rhyming strategies.

Objective(s): The students will be able to read (silently/aloud) and write words containing the op rhyme.


  • Tape player & cassette, selection of two Charlie Parker musical pieces, flipchart or chalkboard, colored markers/pencils, paper, worksheets
  • For the word & letter cards: blank flashcards (2 x 3), stiff paper/tag, stapler & staples, scissors, ruler.
  • The book Charlie Parker played Be-Bop, by Chris Raschka (1992), Orchard Books.

How to make the word and letter cards:

  • With a dark marker write letters on blank flash cards (2 x 3). If you would like to stress certain letters you can make them a different color (e.g. the short o red and all others black). The letters used in this lesson are: b, h, m, d, r, f, l, s, t, o, p (2).
  • Cut the stiff paper or tag to make 11 x 5 pieces. Fold up 1 1/2 along the long edge. Staple in four places to make four equal sized pockets for the letter cards.
  • Worksheet from the Short Vowel O Workbook
  • Be-bop And Other op Words

Set/Initiation: 1. Play two selections of Charlie Parker music, one quick and upbeat the other with a slower feeling. During each selection, have the children stand up and show how the music makes them feel. 2. Introduce Charlie Parker who invented the type of music called be-bop . The book that the teacher will read aloud is, Charlie Parker Played Be-Bop (by Chris Raschka, Orchard Books, 1992). 3. Review vocabulary words from the book that may be unfamiliar to the children (e.g. saxophone, trombone, barbeque).


  • Introduce op words, the short o and the rhyme op. Review the op words in Charlie Parker Played Be-Bop (e.g. be-bop, stop, lollipop, hop).
  • Each student receives a 4-pocket word card and letter flash cards.
  • Have the students spread the letters in front of them.
  • Leaving the first pocket of the word card empty, start by filling in the word (be-) bop.
  • Students will replace given letters with new ones (as shown below) to make new words. Have them write the new words as they go along: Remove b, replace with h, to make hop; remove h, replace with m, to make mop; remove m, replace with p, to make pop; remove p, replace with dr, to make drop; remove dr, replace with fl, to make flop; remove f, replace with p, to make plop; remove pl, replace with t, to make top; remove –, add s, to make stop.
  • As the students make new words, write them on the chalkboard or flip-chart.
  • Have students say the new words using a blending technique before moving to the next new word.
  • Closure:

  • Review the short o and ‘rhyme op.
  • Review the words the students made with their word cards.
  • Comment on the number of words they made just using the rhyme op.
  • Evaluation:

  • Observation during the activity and review.
  • Worksheet given for homework/seatwork (pg. 7 of Short Vowel O (TCM#2228) written by Dona Herweck Rice and published by Teacher Created Materials, Inc. (1997) was used for this lesson). Worksheet overview: Students are given a selection of op words and are asked to choose the correct word to complete a sentence.