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Musical Instrument Appreciation Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan #:AELP-MUS0005
Submitted by: Tony L. Hartmann
Endorsed by: Dr. Don Descy
Mankato State University Date: February 28, 1997

Grade Level(s): 2, 3, 4


  • Arts/Music


This lesson plan is designed to give students the basic knowledge of musical instruments. Through this activity students will develop a greater appreciation of music and the different instruments involved in its creation.


Students will learn about many kinds of musical instruments and be aware of the importance of each instrument in the creation of music.


  • Students will identify the various instruments by name
  • Students will categories each instrument as belonging to one of these categories: woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings.
  • Students will recognize the different sounds that each instrument can produce.
  • Students will list the similarities and differences of instruments found in the elementary band by describing the instruments and naming some of the parts and features.
  • Background: This lesson plan would be good to use sometime before the students are ready to decide on which instrument they will play when and if they choose to join the elementary band. This will give students valuable information on the many different instruments available.

    Concepts: Students will be able to:

  • Match the instruments to the correct sounds they produce.
  • Place the instruments into the appropriate categories.
  • Experience music by practicing on some of the different instruments.
  • Materials: Musical instruments, music tapes, pictures of musical instruments (bulletin board), audio cassette player, art supplies.


  • Have the students write on a sheet of paper all the different types of instruments that they can think of and compile results on board.
  • Ask the students to pick out 2 or 3 instruments and write down specific features that the instruments have and compile results on board.
  • The teacher should help the students place the instruments into the correct categories by matching the instruments with similar features.
  • The teacher will give the students the four basic instrument groups (brass, woodwinds, percussion, and strings) and define and talk about the specific features of each category. Here is where the teacher will show pictures of the various instruments and talk about the different features.
  • The students will play guessing games where the teacher holds up pictures of instruments and the students have to name the instrument and category.
  • After the students show knowledge in the various instruments and categories the teacher will play music of many types of instruments.The teacher will start with playing music of just the individual instruments and show the pictures of the instrument being played. As the students begin to match the instruments to the correct sounds, the teacher can move to more difficult music pieces that have several instruments playing at once. See if the students can pick out all the instruments that are playing.
  • The teacher could also have musicians from the school and community come into the classroom and play for the students and talk about their experiences with learning to play an instrument. See if any of the students already play an instrument.
  • Assessment:

  • Ask students specifics about certain instruments and see what they can tell you about the features and sounds, etc. (tests and games)
  • Have the students write a report on their favorite instrument and present it to the rest of the class.