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Three-dimensional Crown Technique Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan #:AELP-ARA0015
Submitted by: Nicole M. Gaida
Endorsed By: Professor Betty A. Goff
Mankato State University Date: October 26, 1996

Grade Level(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


  • Arts/Visual Arts


Crown making is a fun activity for children because they come away with something that they can wear. This activity is open for creativity and uniqueness. The instructions are easy to understand and the materials that can be used are not limited to the below.

Background Information:

Making crowns is a great art activity for children of all ages. This lesson can be modified to fit any grade level, depending on the art techniques used to make the crowns. The objectives included in this particular lesson are three-dimensional design, geometric shapes, and the use of multimedia.


1) To understand the concept of three-dimensional design.
2) To use geometric shapes.
3) To create a design using multimedia and textured materials.


  • Tag board (6 x 24, six pieces)
  • Glue (three bottles)
  • Scissors
  • Colored construction paper
  • Washable paints
  • Stapler
  • Glitter glue
  • Yarn
  • Ribbon
  • Crepe paper
  • Paint brushes
  • The book King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood

Procedures: A. Motivation

  Read the book King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub to the children, inviting comments and questions during the story. After the story ask the students about the details in the pictures. What colors are used? What textures can you see? How do you think the crown and other hats would look like if it were right here? Then tell the children that we are going to make crowns of our own. Ask the students if they know what three-dimensional means. Listen to all comments made. If no one knows what 3D means, ask questions that will lead to discovery. Show them the picture in the book of the crown. Ask if they can see what it looks like from the back side. Now show them the crown that I previously made. Show them all sides of the crown. Ask the children what they see. Do they see some familiar geometric shapes? Explain that when an object can be see from all sides, or is not flat like a picture, then it is called three-dimensional. This is also known as 3D. Ask the children if they have seen or heard of 3D movies. Listen to the comments made and explain that at 3D movies objects appear to be jumping out at you. When they make their three-dimensional crowns they also should jump out. Go on to explain the directions for the project. Make sure that there is plenty of room for creativity. Remind them that the crown that I made is not to be copied. I am interested in every student’s ability to express their unique creativity. Encourage uniqueness and praise creativity and good ideas.

B. Presentation

  • Distribute the pieces of tag board and measure the size of their head for the crown.
  • Make a mark where the crown should be stapled after the crown is decorated.
  • After their mark has been made they may start decorating the crown.
  • Explain to the students that we are making a 3D design, but it is easier to decorate it while the tag board is flat on the table.
  • Tell them that their decorations need to come off or jump out of their strip of paper.
  • If a child is having trouble with the 3D concept, give them ideas which will create or lead to three-dimensional design. For example, fringing , curling, folding, twisting, looping, etc. can be done to create a crown which is three-dimensional.
  • While they are working, remind them about using geometric shapes.
  • Walk around while the children are creating and observe their techniques.
  • Assessment:

  • Review the concept of three-dimensional design. Ask the students what 3D is and why their crown is 3D. Also, ask about the shapes used in the crown. Can they name the shapes they used?
  • Have the students clean up. Remind them that we want the table to be cleaner than we found it and to pick up all scraps from the floor.