Experiential Learning | Multiple Intelligences |
Learning Theories
Internet Sites:
• Explorations in Learning & Instruction: The Theory Into Practice Database
TIP is a tool intended to make learning and instructional theory more accessible to educators. The database contains brief summarizes of 50 major theories of learning and instruction.
• Learning Theories
A collection of articles on learning theories written by university professors in education and psychology departments. The collection is hosted by emtech.
• How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School
Offers exciting new research about the mind and the brain that addresses how teachers and schools can help children learn most effectively.
• How People Learn (and What Technology Might Have to Do with It)
This ERIC Digest discusses the role that technology can play in learning.
• Funderstanding: Adventures in Learning
A commercial site that provides resources for a variety of learning theories.
• Learning Styles
As assortment of resources on learning styles and intelligences from familyeducation.com.
• Brain Connection
Provides information on how the brain works and how people learn. Topics include reading, learning, education, language, and child development.
• Project Based Learning Resources from the Buck Institute for Education
Includes an overview, handbook, and resources related to project based learning.
• Project-Based Learning: What is it?
Provides a description of project-based learning along with checklists for evaluating student projects.
• Mission: Critical
A self-paced interactive tutorial for critical thinking designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of logic.
• The Critical Thinking Community
Resources for education professionals interested in increasing critical thinking skills.
• Creatology: Brain Science for the 21st Century
This new subject includes the on-going assessment of personal learning styles, thinking styles and Multiple Intelligences. The subject is about teaching about the brain, how we learn by an enriched environment and multiple sensory experiences and how we can improve our brain power. Creatology includes the direct teaching of learning styles, thinking techniques, memory techniques, mindmapping, multiple intelligences and creativity by whole brain learning.
The Learning and Instruction Division of the American Educational Research Association
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