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Lesson Plan #: AELP-WCP004

Submitted by: Jacqueline C. Miller, Teacher
School: Churchland Academy Elementary, Portsmouth, VA Date: February 18, 1998
Grade Level(s): 3, 4


  • Language Arts/Writing (composition)

Description: In this creative writing process, the student will assume the role of the main character in the fairy tale. The student will use fantasy to change the ending of a familiar fairy tale. Background Information: The teacher will use the steps in the writing process, knowledge of plot in a story, and understanding of the elements of fairy tales.

Concepts Covered: Writing Process, Study of Plot, and Main Character’s role in a Fairy Tale

Materials Needed:

  • copies of Fairy Tales
  • pencils
  • paper
  • crayons
  • costumes, if available

Objective: The learner will read and rewrite a familiar fairy tale where the student assumes the main character’s role.  The learner will write a new ending to the fairy tale.


Lesson 1: This is done as a whole group activity. The teacher reads a familiar fairy tale to the class. After reading the fairy tale, the students identify the main characters, the setting, and the plot.

Lesson 2: Prewriting Ideas: The students choose a fairy tale in which they become the main character. It may be useful to use a character map to identify character traits of the main character. The students can write words, phrases, or sentences that describe the new character in the fairy tale.

Lesson 3: Writing. The student writes his/her rough draft. The student has the option of changing the setting of the fairy tale if he/she so desires.

Lesson 4: Revising. With a partner, student will read his/her rough draft. The partner listens carefully to the reading of the rough draft. The partner gives any suggestions that can be made as an improvement to the fairy tale.

Lesson 5: Proofread. Make any changes and/or corrections necessary.

Lesson 6: Publish the final draft.

Lesson 7: Read the new fairy tale to the class.

Extension Activities:
1. Have students illustrate their fairy tale.
2. Have students design a book jacket for the new fairy tale.
3. Have students read their fairy tales to a younger grade level. If possible, students may dress as their fairy tale character when reading to the younger group.

Assessment: Teacher will conference with the students individually to discuss the writing process and its implementation.