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Organization of a Newspaper and the Parts of a News Article Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan #:AELP-INT005
Authors: Marilyn D. King, Donna G. Strunk
School or Affiliation: Pine Knot Elementary School, Pine Knot, KY
Endorsed by: Dr. Kwabena D. Ofori-Attah, Cumberland College, Williamsburg, KY Date: May 1, 1996

Grade Level(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


  • Interdisciplinary
  • Social Studies
  • Language Arts/Writing

Overview: Identify the parts of a news article by using creative examples.

Purpose: To demonstrate understanding of news articles by using prior knowledge and creativity.


1. Students will be able to apply previously learned concepts of identifying the parts of a newspaper and the parts of a news article.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the components of a news article.
3. Create a news headline.
4. Write a news story and illustrate a picture related to the story.

Resources: List of Fairy tale headlines and news story ideas. Activities and Procedures:

1. Introduce lesson and review parts of a newspaper.
2. Students will choose a fairy tale topic to write a headline story.
3. Oral presentations of student’s news article.
4. Give students this example or teacher created example.

Bad Fall Injures Children

It was reported by a reliable source last night that Jack and Jill Jones both fell down slippery hill. The twelve year old twins were sent by their mother to get a bucket of water. In returning, Jack fell down, hit his head on a rock and received a slight concussion. Jill apparently tripped over Jack, and in falling down, received a skinned knee. The two were taken to county hospital. Jill was treated and released. Jack remains in satisfactory condition and will probably be released tomorrow.

Give these topics as examples or the students may come up with their own:

Little Red Riding Hood Charlotte’s Web
Snow White The 3 Little Pigs
Jack B. Nimble Harriet, the spy
Cinderella Old Mother Hubbard
Mary Had A Little Lamb Curious George
There Was An Old Woman Humpty Dumpty
Goldilocks and Three Bears Little Miss Muffet
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater

Students will present the finished news article by sharing in class presentations.

Extended Activity: Write a news article for the school newspaper.